Kölcsey Sára

Kölcsey Sára is a commercial and documentary photographer from Hungary, Pécs. She started her career at the age of 32, after she gave birth to her fourth child. She thrives the opportunity to capture a story by framing complex scenes.  She works on several long-term projects with subjects closely related to her own life events and experiences. As an artist and mother she captures the life of women, girls, and mothers. She strongly believes that they all deserve to be seen, and also to be heard. 

The nature of the female body is also in her scope of interest: both what it stirs within and on the surface; its ability to create and grow life, its cyclical reminder that death is ever-present and, by the potency of beauty, its ability to fascinate and captivate. 


Documentary Family Awards: Judges Choice Award 2021 

1st prize at the 38th Hungarian Press Photo Competition: Single Portray category

2nd place at the 37th Hungarian Press Photo Competition. "Every day life" series category.

1st place at the 42nd Hungarian Press Photo Competition. "Every day life" series category.


37th Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition, Capa Center, Budapest (2019)

38th Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition, Capa Center, Budapest (2020)

Intim Torna, Ancora Art Kortárs Művészeti Galéria, Pécs (2022)

Risks and Side Effects, Ancora Art Kortárs Művészeti Galéria, Pécs (2024)


2017 A gyermeklét elviselhetetlen könnyűsége, Zsolnay Center, Pécs 



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